
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Rumours of My Death ...

Yes, it has been a while, dear friends - or those of you who haven't departed to greener blogs. A brief update on my life follows.

Things Not Russian-Related


Russian-Related Things

Since my electronic bytes last appeared on your computer screen, I've started taking Russian with a tutor. This has afforded me with the opportunity to rediscover my limitations and reach new degrees of self-frustration before the workday even commences. Of course, I love the sessions, and I love the language. I just wish I was closer to mastering it. Bilingualism would be ... insanely brilliant.

In the meantime, I get up early and stay up late studying, only to produce grammatically incohesive, phonetically damning and linguistically painful sound-bytes at my next lesson.

Perhaps my only comfort is that my grasp of Russian idioms is light years more advanced than that of English-language idioms. English mess-ups I've produced recently:

"To drink like a guppy."
"To give someone a tinkle." (I've been using this for years; why hasn't anyone told me it doesn't mean to give someone a call??? Are you friends or what?? *weeps*)
"No bars held." (To my credit, I figured out this one was wrong.)

I hear "Baby Fish-head is sweeping the nation." (Gratuitous When Harry Met Sally quote)

And it's a Wrap-Up!

That's all for now, folks. Simply wanted to breathe new life into this form of communication. God forbid I let a sleeping dog lie.



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