Mongolia, and other realms of the imagination
Over the past week or so, some d00dettes and myself have engaged in "chatter" regarding the far-flung, way-out-there, totally crazy idea of ... going on vacation to Mongolia. Or visiting exquisite areas on the Silk Road.
Thoughts of Marco Polo, Genghis Khan, the Gobi Desert, yurts, gers, Mongolian horses, and the like, have been bandied about in my imagination. What an insane trip this would be, but how beautiful, remote and new. At the same time, my knees are a 'quiver at the thought of spending boatloads of money (this would of course require my earning and saving said boatload, first).
I don't suppose any of you guys are also interested in taking a wild trip out to Mongolia or the Silk Road, and/or, does anyone here have any experience (or have friends with any) in that part of the world? I'm trying to figure out how necessary an organized tour would be, versus simply being a knowledgeable traveler conversant in Russian, but still obviously a foreigner.
And now I return to my work. Not looking up Mongolia online.
No. Not I.
Incidentally, I have found a promising piece of news on Mongolia, courtesy of the Association for Asian Research....
World tourists discover Mongolia
Michael Kitchen7/14/2004
In an effort to boost tourism, Mongolia declared 2003 the "Visit Mongolia" year.
But, as the National Mongolian History Museum's assistant director Areuntuya notes, the tourism campaign was not very successful because of the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
"Last year there were a lot of problems about SARS. This year it will be okay, I think," he said.
So with the outbreak now over, Mongolia decided 2004 would be "Discover Mongolia" year.
Le sigh. It's simply THE place to visit, methinks... Are you not convinced? Let me know if you want to come, too. 2005 is "Discover Mongolia, For Real This Time" year.
At 5:07 pm,
World Traveler said…
I heard that Ulan Batar is this intriguing mix of tradition and modernity. Apparently for half the year, a segment of the population lives in tents outside the city..hmmm..not sure how true this is..
Does any of this have to do with Russian tutor??
At 9:34 am,
World Traveler said…
Oddly, we had a shouting match on who has been to the oddest places at our outing last night..I was impressed with the far flung regions which had been visited by about 6 are just a few (keep in mind this is Ohio):
Estonia, Lativia, Lithuania (not that I would ever dare to lump them together..)
Cedar Point
At 12:16 am,
Rob said…
I guess this would be what you were talking about when you emailed me earlier this week.
I would be happy to go to Mongolia. Can I head there on the way back from New Zealand? How many days travel are necessary to get to Mongolia?
At 9:57 am,
~R said…
Shannon, dearest - how nifty! Now that you say it, I feel I've heard something similar, but was it about Mongolia? I think perhaps not, on second thought. But maybe. The documentary was about the struggle to make a living, and what that meant for lifestyles... Hm.
In terms of the Russian tutor - perhaps so. I have sort of belatedly discovered that I know nothing of Asia or Asian history or culture. Not to mention the religions of the East. Or rather, I always knew I knew nothing, but now I feel an urge to find out more. Know any good (nonfiction) books or documentaries?
"Closer to home," I've got a Koran on my shelf, and haven't read that either. At least I have a lifetime of learning ahead of me.. :)
Oh. Cedar Key? *guffaw* Excellent. :)
What's your farthest-flung region? (what an odd expression, no?)
At 9:59 am,
~R said…
Rob ~ did I indeed randomly, out of the blue, just ask you about Mongolia? Hahaha! Sorry!
And - You're going to New Zealand??? When? Where? For how long? I don't know how to get to Mongolia from the NZ. How much vacation do you get?
I'd love to do a two-week trip (goodbye vacation days), but don't know what is actually feasible. I simply must get these pics loaded online, so I can share and tempt!!
At 12:00 pm,
World Traveler said…
I took some courses in undergrad on Chinese and Japanese history. It was fascinating. I also took an Eastern Religions course. I was most attracted by Buddhism. Hinduism was more complicated it seemed although the art was fab. I can't remember that any of the books were particularly interesting although you should get a copy of the Bhagavad (spelling??) Gita and the Upanishads if you want to learn more of Hinduism.
I'd say my farthest flung region was the Baltics or possibly northern Quebec..:)
At 3:20 pm,
Rob said…
I'm going to New Zealand in October.
My friend Mike is currently living at the South Pole. We have arranged to get together in New Zealand when he comes off the ice.
At 5:22 pm,
~R said…
*gasp* Rob, your vacations sound insanely brilliant :) I wish I had as much time off as you.
Shann, add South Pole to your list :)
Buddhism does sound fascinating. I read "The Power of Compassion" by the Dalai Lama over the weekend. And am 4 pages from finishing "The Jew in the Lotus." You might like that :)
Happy V-day, d00ds & d00dettes!
At 12:09 pm,
World Traveler said…
You do realize you have spawned discussion of Mongolia on another blog right??
At 1:47 pm,
~R said…
Hahahaha!!! All is as it should be.
Will help me get through the day... Thank you ;-)
At 1:52 pm,
~R said…
Oh - where's the Mongolia spawn? Am most eager to nurture my baby ;)
At 4:04 pm,
~R said…
In the parlance of the 'Net, (wink), dear ~E, "OMG!! WTF!!" Most excellent!! I will direct all my friends to your comment.
What say ye?
At 9:39 am,
World Traveler said…
My god woman, can we get a new entry?? There must be something beyond Mongolia..
At 10:05 am,
World Traveler said…
Houston..we have a problem..
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