Soggy Bottom
Some of you might not know this yet, but this week my office reverted into its probably prehistoric habitat. That is, it became a swamp.
For some ungodly (and as yet unexplained) reason, when I came in at 6:30am on Tuesday, all excited for a productive day, I found that my office carpet was wet. Soaking wet. Puddle wet. No random mild carpet sweat here, no siree.
And of course I did not realize this as a normal person would, by hearing their shoes squelch and noticing their carpet was ten shades darker than the carpet in the corridor. Oh no, not I. I noticed it by deciding that my shoes were wet, and taking them off. And then having the office floor puddle creep up my socks and into the very core of my bones. And then by staring at the ground. And pressing it with my hands. That's right. And I paid $35K for my Master's Degree. Plus interest.
I, of course, then spent the next five minutes scouting out the neighboring offices on my haunches, pressing my palms into their floors. Not on my initial to-do list. But done. (I obviously added it to my to-do list post-facto, and checked it off.) (This was my only sense of accomplishment that day.)
Apparently maintenance didn't take my early reports ("Erm, my office is flooded.") very seriously, because no-one bothered to dry the swamp for days. Only after I finally cornered one hapless maintenance guy and corralled him into my office and then forcefully jumped up and down on my carpet to show him how it splashed, did they finally figure out that I meant it when I chose the word "flooded" and not "damp."
I have the fan blowing on it right now. Now it's damp. And it smells. Stankelicious. Pee-euw.
Ahem. And so I found the comic thing below pretty damn hilarious. :)
What I don't have to do:

And just because I expect you sorry lot haven't read this yet... ;)
For some ungodly (and as yet unexplained) reason, when I came in at 6:30am on Tuesday, all excited for a productive day, I found that my office carpet was wet. Soaking wet. Puddle wet. No random mild carpet sweat here, no siree.
And of course I did not realize this as a normal person would, by hearing their shoes squelch and noticing their carpet was ten shades darker than the carpet in the corridor. Oh no, not I. I noticed it by deciding that my shoes were wet, and taking them off. And then having the office floor puddle creep up my socks and into the very core of my bones. And then by staring at the ground. And pressing it with my hands. That's right. And I paid $35K for my Master's Degree. Plus interest.
I, of course, then spent the next five minutes scouting out the neighboring offices on my haunches, pressing my palms into their floors. Not on my initial to-do list. But done. (I obviously added it to my to-do list post-facto, and checked it off.) (This was my only sense of accomplishment that day.)
Apparently maintenance didn't take my early reports ("Erm, my office is flooded.") very seriously, because no-one bothered to dry the swamp for days. Only after I finally cornered one hapless maintenance guy and corralled him into my office and then forcefully jumped up and down on my carpet to show him how it splashed, did they finally figure out that I meant it when I chose the word "flooded" and not "damp."
I have the fan blowing on it right now. Now it's damp. And it smells. Stankelicious. Pee-euw.
Ahem. And so I found the comic thing below pretty damn hilarious. :)
What I don't have to do:

And just because I expect you sorry lot haven't read this yet... ;)
At 9:25 am,
World Traveler said…
Fits of laughter...I believe that everyone once in their lives will experience a flooded office. And it has to be a carpeted office or it doesn't count.
In my vast career I do believe this has happened to me but the wreak so bad that I have effectively bloched it out of my mind. Try having the swere line back up..that will really make you want to curl up into the fetal (not fecal) position.
Hope you brought your waders and snorkel to work. I am just impressed you hung around. I would have filed a greivance and "worked from home"...which translates to hanging out in your PJ's all day and just emailing people randomly to prove you are indeed alive.
In similar dysfunctional building maintenance, our AC went on the fritz. No is only the middle of summer. I love sleeping in my husband's sweat. Good times.
At 10:49 am,
~R said…
:) I keep expecting my toes to prune up in my sandals...
And considering I don't have e-mail at home, I can hardly go the wise PJ route. Well, plus I have two reports due at the end of the week. *weeps*
And honey, I've been roughing it sans air conditioning for over a year now. :) Then again, I don't have a partner's body heat to deal with. In any way.
At 12:16 pm,
World Traveler said…
Oh you would use it if you had it, Miss I love to dance in my skivvies...
At 12:24 pm,
~R said…
Ah yes, memories of fine DC summers ruint by the -37C temperature of our shared igloo....
Thanks for bringing them back. ;p
At 2:44 pm,
World Traveler said…
Not that you have a tendancy to exaggerate but 70 degrees at night is hardly -37C.
At 4:56 pm,
~R said…
I still suspect you were storing a dead body somewhere in our flat. Perhaps a member of the intelliHentsia.
And 70F in the daytime, yes, I'll grant you. What about the night you turned the cruel knob to 50F???
Selective memory, or old age? I ponder the cause of your numerical challenges this fine July afternoon... ;-p
I hope for your sake that you are able to freeze comfortably again, pretty soon :)
At 7:31 am,
~R said…
And today, Tuesday, a week from when the F***ing office flooded, they've not yet cleaned or disinfected the carpet.
Just went downstairs to threaten them with a reduced rent check a moment ago, eventhough I know that the maintenance guy doesn't come in until F***ing 9am. BAH!!!!!!
It's impossible to breathe here. I have a fan at my elbow, blowing air into my face. RIDICULOUS.
Am thinking of heading out to Starbucks to work from there. Unfortunately, being pissed and asphyxiated doesn't make report deadlines disintegrate.
Maybe I will... But the truth is I work better with music all around (as my poor office mates would agree), and Starbucks doesn't have the right level of music. Damn it. I should go back to the slope and write at the Tea Lounge. Except I'm too pissed to even think about the inconvenience, plus I have two appointments today I must keep.
And if I switch offices, I'll end up sharing an unable to do the music thing and the "please don't expect me to interact because I'm working" thing.
Okay, I'm leaving before my rant gets even more silly. I do feel my Russia side is on the verge of coming out--that furious bulldozer mode. Man, if maintenance comes back with yes than a cheery "here is the cleaner," he will be greeted with my ANGER. And I'm not angry that often.
At 10:03 am,
World Traveler said…
A. I didn't turn it to. 50 but a mere 65 in retaliation for you cranking it to 80. Miss Selective Memory
B. I am sure you will smell lovely for your meetings..a mix of musk and mildew :)
Sorry for the carpet thing. It is unacceptable in NY, the bastion of capitalism.
Yes, we are up and running more sleeping in a puddle of my own sweat..whew.
At 4:10 pm,
~R said…
I'm glad to hear that you are comfy again at your preferred temperature of *muffledcough*. :)
(and so peace was made...)
As for me, they have come and cleaned. I hear the carpet is wet now.
What a day.
Le sigh. Okay, am going home at 4-ish, I guess. If I can't breathe tomorrow, I'm taking the laptop for a walk to Starbucks.
They damn well be open at 6:30.
(man, I am in a snit when I can't breathe!!!)
At 4:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
Well, you know how much I hate to write in these things, but I fear the silent wrath of R even more! So I write...
My, my, you can be quite the snit when you are inhaling moldy fumes!
But wait, this explains why you have made crazy statements over the past week about the attractiveness of "silver things" - the toxic aroma of musty, moldy air has jolted you into insanity. Perhaps once you breathe some fresh air, you will realize your crazy ways and come back to the land of the sane.
At 9:20 am,
~R said…
JB, angel,
If I WERE nutters, then indeed the moldy fumes would be a good excuse. What concerns me is the fact that you have NO excuse. Well, except that you're getting on in years, and may have forgotten which part of your brain stores REASON. ;-)
Hee hee. I do like when you comment. :)
Ahem. Thank you. :)
And looking forward to seeing you this week/end!!!
At 10:11 am,
Anonymous said…
Oh, how cruel you are...
I thought of a brilliant response, but apparently I am too old to remember what it was...
At 10:16 am,
~R said…
FYI, I'm heretoforthwith (wtf?) going to call you The Good JB to be consistent with your non-online nickname. :)
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