Another Culinary Disaster
On the Dessert Richter Scale, or perhaps it's time we ceded to reality and named it the Ruther Scale, the tally is bleak.
Despite being able to finnagle good key lime pie, tiramisu, chocolate cheesecake, pecan bundles and even chocolate truffles, I am bedeviled by such infamous culinary faux pas as sweet gunk, chocolate frittata crunch, cheese fluff crater and my first effort at chocolate truffles. (Okay, my first several efforts at chocolate truffles.)
And now we can add chocolate cake to the list of my failures.
When Erin came home yesterday, she eyed the cake. She couldn't believe that chocolate cake could be ruined by any chef, regardless of their credentials in botching desserts. *slow smile*
But that was before she tasted my chocolate cake. She assured me, as she carved herself a piece, that it could not possibly be bad. And then she took a bite and chewed. She looked up at me.
And she began to laugh.
She took another bite, and hadn't swallowed before she started giggling again. She simply couldn't say an affirmative, positive word.
Finally, after many attempts to say something before busting out in laughter, she assured me that although it did not taste like chocolate cake, with a different name it might not seem bad. I forget what she came up with.
And so we have another renamed dessert, thanks to my ability to create astounding culinary failures in the field of baking.
It's just so sad, because I come from such good baking stock! My mom's a BRILLIANT baker, and a fantastic cook, period.
Oh well. This apple fell far from the apple pie.
Despite being able to finnagle good key lime pie, tiramisu, chocolate cheesecake, pecan bundles and even chocolate truffles, I am bedeviled by such infamous culinary faux pas as sweet gunk, chocolate frittata crunch, cheese fluff crater and my first effort at chocolate truffles. (Okay, my first several efforts at chocolate truffles.)
And now we can add chocolate cake to the list of my failures.
When Erin came home yesterday, she eyed the cake. She couldn't believe that chocolate cake could be ruined by any chef, regardless of their credentials in botching desserts. *slow smile*
But that was before she tasted my chocolate cake. She assured me, as she carved herself a piece, that it could not possibly be bad. And then she took a bite and chewed. She looked up at me.
And she began to laugh.
She took another bite, and hadn't swallowed before she started giggling again. She simply couldn't say an affirmative, positive word.
Finally, after many attempts to say something before busting out in laughter, she assured me that although it did not taste like chocolate cake, with a different name it might not seem bad. I forget what she came up with.
And so we have another renamed dessert, thanks to my ability to create astounding culinary failures in the field of baking.
It's just so sad, because I come from such good baking stock! My mom's a BRILLIANT baker, and a fantastic cook, period.
Oh well. This apple fell far from the apple pie.
At 11:49 am,
Cornflake Girl said…
Right. I have the answer. You have Dessertophobia. The fear of making the perfect dessert! ;p I'm sure that it must be due to your fiddling with the ingredients somewhere...
A committee should be set up to probe further and produce a 100 page report into this phenomenon. I, for one, would read it with relish! It's fascinating! ;P One day, Ruth, you'll bake something so wonderful that it will break the 'curse.' ;p
I am lucky. I have forbidden myself to eat any desserts! ;p Hehe
How are you doing?
At 4:06 pm,
~R said…
Well, I fear your committee will have little to do. Not just because once I tell you "I added olive oil and a chopped banana and used the wrong size baking dish" they will be left with only finger-twiddling, but also because once they taste the cake to confirm those are the *only* mistakes, they will be left ill to the stomach and incapable of doing anything that doesn't represent groaning in the bathroom.
Trust me.
Of course, the four glasses of Georgian wine I drank whilst cooking may ALSO have had some slight effect.
Hm. *sigh*
Wait. What's this I suddenly notice about you being forbidden by no greater an authority than yourself to eat dessert????
*falls flat on ground*
At 6:51 pm,
Cornflake Girl said…
*Helps Ruth to her feet*
Yes! It is true! I have forbidden myself to eat certain things which appear quite often in a multitude of desserts - wheat, processed sugar, chocolate, milk, cheese and butter. It is hard, that is a fact, but it gets easier every day. I have been going for 4 months now.
I'm still an exciting and fun person though! I think that I am even more unstable than I was before. :) So all is right in the world, or in my little sphere, where the pink pixies skip and laugh all day long...
Anyhoo. I beliebe in you Ruth! You will make a dessert that spellbinds the taster! Have faith! Courage! And the number to that fantastic cake shop down the road, if it all goes to pot...;P
At 3:09 pm,
~R said…
Okay, ignoring for a moment that "chocolate" is in a food group all of its own and is the BIRTHRIGHT of all women *breathes in and out*
WHY do I seem to recall that You. Drink. Coffee?????
That really is all I have to say.
Before returning to swivel you about, dear child, and point out the direction of the nearest Lindt Chocolate store, because clearly you have NEEDS that every normal woman has, and it's not right to suppress them!
At 8:53 am,
World Traveler said…
Two questions?
Olive oil???
Can one be "exciting" and not eat cheese??? Hm...
At 10:52 am,
Cornflake Girl said…
Oi Missy! At least I smell sweet as I walketh down the street, and not cheesy...
At 2:45 pm,
~R said…
Am craving chocolate mousse. And some good chops, too. *sigh* There's nothing like starting a healthy diet to make one crave what one shouldn't.
Of course, the reason I need to start a healthy diet is because I already crave what I shouldn't. :)
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