How Many Meetings Can a Person Have in One Day???
(To be continued when I'm not in a meeting... )
*pause to rend hair from my head*
FYI, have managed to accidentally stumble onto some Russian idiom which essentially says something sucks. However, did not bother to confirm the spelling when I blurted it out hopefully during my last tutoring session, and as a result, am finding my dictionary woefully inadequate, and cannot even revel in my one singular moment of potential idiomatic suaveness.
Oh well. As suaveness is hardly a word, I guess I can hardly even recap in glee and triumph... :)
At 12:06 pm,
World Traveler said…
What? You apparently had "meeting head" when you wrote this entry because to the layman it makes no sense. But to those of us that speak Ruthese, it is infinitely profound.
Thank you oh wise one for your profundity and lack of idiosynchonocity..what?
At 10:18 am,
~R said…
Have requested the spelling.
Svolochnoye Dyelo. (For your information.)
However, have been informed that saying something is a Hemorrhoidal Dyelo (can't remember how to spell it in Russian) is a more commonly-used expression. :)
Gotta love the Russians! :)
~ R :)
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