
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Monday, July 18, 2005

Dorkus Patronus and the Disorder of the Police

Man, it has been FOREVER since I updated this blog. My month of report cyclones is on the cusp of over, so ... maybe I can finally stop dreaming about reports. Last night was another reportmare, followed by a short disjointed dream of me being chased by a Slytherin rat in my bedroom. And having to clean its pee. Seriously.

And on that note, I am attaching the article below for fun. It came out the day after Harry Potter did. The same day I did as a Harry Potter fan, thanks to Ed Wyatt. That's right: for those of you who didn't know it, I was in the closet before then.

Dorkus Patronus

So, you're wondering what this new fame has done for me?

Well, how many of us have had the chance to say, coyly, fingers lingering on a cocktail glass, “Oh, perhaps you read about me in the New York Times?”

Okay, that's not exactly what happened. However, I did attend a networking party where the above did happen, only I was so exhausted that I was avoiding alcohol at all costs, so the glass nonchalantly tilted contained only cold water and ice. Not quite so chic an image, but I'm not so chic a girl.


Oh, and to keep the tone of this blog update chirpy...perhaps I won't mention my ...less than thrilled impression of our NYPD in recent weeks. *eyeroll*


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