
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Sunday, November 13, 2005


I seem to recall that we had a rush of terrorism strike us in the very early 1900s, although the cause sited was "anarchism." It would be interesting to compare the reasoning and the symptoms of distress just before that happened, with what's happening now.

This particular article is about the fact that of the four known bombers in Jordan the other week, (at least) one was a woman. Not just that, she was the wife of one of them. She, like him, was strapped with explosives. When she fumbled with her own explosive belt, or it didn't go off, her husband got her out of the building before returning to blow himself and the hotel guests away.

I found that last set of decisions of his rather interesting. I also wonder about her, and what got her there... More and more women involved in terrorism...

Who was doing the bombing in the early 1900s?


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