Two fire-related thoughts this fine balmy morning:
On firetrucks and old age
I realized a rather frightening tendency I have developed. It used to be that whenever I saw a firetruck outside a building, I hoped everyone was okay. And if I saw it outside or near a building I worked in or lived in or caroused in or whatnot, I would wonder if today was a day that would change everything (ie all destroyed). Not in a bad way. Just in a fatalistic/realistic way. Curiosity. Sometimes dread, if it was at the end of a long work-day. Now, all this I consider to be normal. But I've noticed that if I see a firetruck on my street or near my office, my new first thought is--"oh boy. what did I leave on??" And yes, this happened yesterday afternoon after a long work-day. And don't worry, folks, the firetruck was just doing a complicated 38-point turn, that's all.
On fire and old age
I forget what the heck I was going to say. I guess this really is an old-age thing...
Oh yeah. Shouting "Fire!" in a Crowded Theater
So, I went to the movies with two adorable little cousins of mine, and with -r2. Who goes by a more normal name when I'm not referring to her online. For some unknown reason, while the trailers were on, the topic comes up of it being illegal to shout "fire!" in a crowded theater. At which point -r2 decides to educate my impressionable young cousins by noting that since "Sky High" had only attracted about 4 other patrons other than us, shouting "fire!" in this theater would not be illegal. *facepalm* Thank goodness she didn't assign homework. I forget to un-teach them this sterling gem of knowledge.
And now to something completely different...
The Scorecard of Life (Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune) vs the Plaintiff (~R)
Life: 1. ~R: 0
I took Benadryl last night. I'm not sure if I actually was tossing and turning all night, or if I dreamt about tossing and turning all night whilst tossing and turning. But I was left with the definite feeling that I didn't have more than 60 disjointed minutes of sleep. I actually leaned on the shower wall to keep myself upright. How cruel is that?
Broke down at 7:18am after being at work for 25 minutes, and went to Starbucks for frozen coffee, figuring that at least one component of the freezing, sugar-laden, caffeneited beverage would serve to awaken me. Scoffed at the idiots on the streets at 7:25am, who actually think they are in town early. Silly geese. They can't handle the truth.
Okay, back to work.
On firetrucks and old age
I realized a rather frightening tendency I have developed. It used to be that whenever I saw a firetruck outside a building, I hoped everyone was okay. And if I saw it outside or near a building I worked in or lived in or caroused in or whatnot, I would wonder if today was a day that would change everything (ie all destroyed). Not in a bad way. Just in a fatalistic/realistic way. Curiosity. Sometimes dread, if it was at the end of a long work-day. Now, all this I consider to be normal. But I've noticed that if I see a firetruck on my street or near my office, my new first thought is--"oh boy. what did I leave on??" And yes, this happened yesterday afternoon after a long work-day. And don't worry, folks, the firetruck was just doing a complicated 38-point turn, that's all.
On fire and old age
I forget what the heck I was going to say. I guess this really is an old-age thing...
Oh yeah. Shouting "Fire!" in a Crowded Theater
So, I went to the movies with two adorable little cousins of mine, and with -r2. Who goes by a more normal name when I'm not referring to her online. For some unknown reason, while the trailers were on, the topic comes up of it being illegal to shout "fire!" in a crowded theater. At which point -r2 decides to educate my impressionable young cousins by noting that since "Sky High" had only attracted about 4 other patrons other than us, shouting "fire!" in this theater would not be illegal. *facepalm* Thank goodness she didn't assign homework. I forget to un-teach them this sterling gem of knowledge.
And now to something completely different...
The Scorecard of Life (Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune) vs the Plaintiff (~R)
Life: 1. ~R: 0
I took Benadryl last night. I'm not sure if I actually was tossing and turning all night, or if I dreamt about tossing and turning all night whilst tossing and turning. But I was left with the definite feeling that I didn't have more than 60 disjointed minutes of sleep. I actually leaned on the shower wall to keep myself upright. How cruel is that?
Broke down at 7:18am after being at work for 25 minutes, and went to Starbucks for frozen coffee, figuring that at least one component of the freezing, sugar-laden, caffeneited beverage would serve to awaken me. Scoffed at the idiots on the streets at 7:25am, who actually think they are in town early. Silly geese. They can't handle the truth.
Okay, back to work.
At 11:37 am,
World Traveler said…
I am with you on the lack of sleep. The cats played jungle gym on the bed until about 1 am and seeing as how I didn't get into bed till midnight anyway..I had an angry fit and yelled obscenities but they all just stared and me and then went back to killjng one another. So, I chucked one into the garage and then tried to get back to sleep. I am dragging for sure. I might break down and get M & M's.
PS: Would't it be fun if you had another friend called D2
At 12:39 pm,
~R said…
I am always on the look out for a friend called -d2. :)
It's 12:39pm, and I haven't tackled the biggest thing I'm supposed to do all day; I've been busy all day long, and I have no recollection of what I've been doing.
At 4:28 pm,
World Traveler said…
I have forgotten my name at this point. I also have to start putting a lesson plan together seeing as how I will begin teaching in oh, a week. :)
Can we say "Tutunji"
dirigible..(Banana Rob, blog)
At 5:12 pm,
~R said…
Man. Those were the days.
At 11:40 pm,
-r said…
DEFinitely need to find someone called D2. Alternatively C3P0, I supposed. Random thing I heard on NPR last weekend: a woman called Laura Ingalls Wilder was tired of the constant teasing and questions that her name engendered, so she finally changed it.
What did she change it to?
Annikin (sp?)
At 12:55 pm,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps if you remember back to your ancient PO days, you do have a -D2 friend- think D squared.
Ahh how soon we forget...
At 1:05 pm,
~R said…
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! YOu enter the blogosphere at last! I DO have a D2 friend! (Though she usually be silent and unassuming and ALL TOO FAR AWAY) :)
Lots of hugs and love to you, babe! I'm so glad you were inspired to write in and reveal your true (online) name :)
There must be much rejoicing now :)
And hugs :) xxxx
At 1:00 pm,
World Traveler said…
I am glad I could foster this healthy reunion. I am all aflutter with emotion! Pass the Kleenex.
At 1:11 pm,
~R said…
Hee hee....
Any long-lost friends want to fess up and admit that they are C3PO?
And D2--don't you even THINK of disappearing on us! :) xxx
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