Notes from Underground
What's that? I've not updated in a while? What, you think I have a life??? (What fools are these, that read my blog? ;-) )
Can One Live in the Most Happenin' City in the State of New York and Still Not Have a Clue? (our intrepid reporter finds out)
I leave work on Friday, happily traipsing into the elevator. On the 4th floor this guy gets on that looks rather odd to me. I look at him surreptitiously. I say nothing for a floor or two. And then I ask him: “Excuse me. Are you aware you are in your pajamas and bathrobe?” He tells me there’s an office party. I say nothing, being inexperienced in the ways of office pajama parties. I get on the subway. There’s a woman dressed up as a bee. I think: “Well, this is New York. People can dress up as bees if they want to.” On Church Avenue a woman walks by wearing a tiara. I think: “Well, this is New York. Fashion is a very personalized, individual thing. America is good that way.” And finally, walking down my street, I see ghosts around a person’s home. “Shite!” I think, freaked out for a moment. And then I realize it’s Halloween. All seems to fall into place. Although…it is New York. And so it didn’t seem too unusual before anyway.
Can One Live in the Most Happenin' City in the State of New York and Still Not Have a Clue? (our intrepid reporter finds out)
I leave work on Friday, happily traipsing into the elevator. On the 4th floor this guy gets on that looks rather odd to me. I look at him surreptitiously. I say nothing for a floor or two. And then I ask him: “Excuse me. Are you aware you are in your pajamas and bathrobe?” He tells me there’s an office party. I say nothing, being inexperienced in the ways of office pajama parties. I get on the subway. There’s a woman dressed up as a bee. I think: “Well, this is New York. People can dress up as bees if they want to.” On Church Avenue a woman walks by wearing a tiara. I think: “Well, this is New York. Fashion is a very personalized, individual thing. America is good that way.” And finally, walking down my street, I see ghosts around a person’s home. “Shite!” I think, freaked out for a moment. And then I realize it’s Halloween. All seems to fall into place. Although…it is New York. And so it didn’t seem too unusual before anyway.
At 9:04 am,
World Traveler said…
Even for you that is a little much..happy to see that you are back on blog radar. You have been sorely missed. So much political spoofing to be done..
Didn't you love the way Miers was hung out to dry?? So much for loyalty theory.
At 9:11 am,
World Traveler said…
PS: check out my halloween look at my would have loved it.
At 10:04 am,
Rob said…
Where have you been hiding???
At 3:04 pm,
~R said…
Rob, you make me wish I'd been in Little Rock... :)
And Shann, I am back on the block. Particularly if the chopping block is the block in question. :)
Will check out your blog
At 4:38 pm,
Rob said…
How poetic.
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