D2 Pops Out a Little Girl!
Birthday News
At 12:25 am this morning, I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call with the most awake-sounding voice I have at such times. Being mid-dream, this ruse could not succeed, and one day I hope Gerard (our mystery caller and dear husband of D2) will fill me in on what he said to me before my brain caught up with our conversation.
It didn't take him long, though, to wake me up with his fantastic news, in answer to my groggily inane "How are you?"
Gerard excitedly informs me that he is more than excellent, he is beyond perfect, because he just became a father of a beautiful baby girl 20 minutes ago. :)
And then I spoke with Ms D2, mother extraordinnaire, who seemed insanely full of energy considering what I hear goes into childbirth. I guess this is conclusive evidence of endorphins.
We hung up so that Gerard could continue to share the news of their new daughter with other friends and family. I'm just over the moon excited. I can't wait to see them. AND the baby girl. :) AND their gorgeous little boy, who's grown so much since I last visited.
Eating Healthy Burns Calories
One-and-a-half hours later, endorphins of my own kicking into me, and the lack of dinner finally gnawing away at my resolve to not eat until breakfast, I meandered into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and committed to finding something healthy despite knowing I was out of food. I perused the fridge. The only fruit in sight was a suspicious-looking kiwi, hiding in the shadow of a lemon. Nope. Well, I knew that grains and legumes would do the trick. Reaching up in the pantry, I pulled on a visible bag of red lentils.
Which I had apparently opened before.
And which spilt cascading streams of red lentils all over the floor Erin had mopped and swept earlier that day. And so at 2:30am I turned on the music and swept the floor and went to bed. Still blearily happy to hear I have a new baby to love, and a trip to the old stomping grounds and dear friends in sight.
At 12:25 am this morning, I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call with the most awake-sounding voice I have at such times. Being mid-dream, this ruse could not succeed, and one day I hope Gerard (our mystery caller and dear husband of D2) will fill me in on what he said to me before my brain caught up with our conversation.
It didn't take him long, though, to wake me up with his fantastic news, in answer to my groggily inane "How are you?"
Gerard excitedly informs me that he is more than excellent, he is beyond perfect, because he just became a father of a beautiful baby girl 20 minutes ago. :)
And then I spoke with Ms D2, mother extraordinnaire, who seemed insanely full of energy considering what I hear goes into childbirth. I guess this is conclusive evidence of endorphins.
We hung up so that Gerard could continue to share the news of their new daughter with other friends and family. I'm just over the moon excited. I can't wait to see them. AND the baby girl. :) AND their gorgeous little boy, who's grown so much since I last visited.
Eating Healthy Burns Calories
One-and-a-half hours later, endorphins of my own kicking into me, and the lack of dinner finally gnawing away at my resolve to not eat until breakfast, I meandered into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and committed to finding something healthy despite knowing I was out of food. I perused the fridge. The only fruit in sight was a suspicious-looking kiwi, hiding in the shadow of a lemon. Nope. Well, I knew that grains and legumes would do the trick. Reaching up in the pantry, I pulled on a visible bag of red lentils.
Which I had apparently opened before.
And which spilt cascading streams of red lentils all over the floor Erin had mopped and swept earlier that day. And so at 2:30am I turned on the music and swept the floor and went to bed. Still blearily happy to hear I have a new baby to love, and a trip to the old stomping grounds and dear friends in sight.
At 8:54 am,
World Traveler said…
Oh that is so me...beans, rice, you name it..if it is in a bag, chances are it will explode.
So will this child be an R3?
I am guessing I know D2 and am thrilled for her.
right? I do know her?
At 3:45 pm,
~R said…
Yes, you do. :) You worked with her. :)
I can't wait to see pics.
At 4:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
"D2 Pops out a Little Girl" - you make her sound like a gumball. Good thing little girls are so sweet-- and loud! Thank you for honoring us in your blog. Oddly, I feel slightly famous.
At 8:15 am,
~R said…
You should be feel famous! Although not as famous as I'm sure you did when Gerard showed me the video from the hospital last time!!! :) :) :)
Congratulations, sweet-pea. She's BEAUTIFUL. And her mom and daddy and aunties and grandma and grandpa sure looked swell too :)
Remember to send pics. :) :)
Can't wait to see you again! xxx
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