Who Says Jargon's All Bad?
From a UN document on the Millenium Development Goals (it's the last clause I love the most):
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)
The NUTS is a single uniform breakdown of territorial units defined for EU Member States and Candidate Countries by EUROSTAT. It provides a classification or harmonization of measurement of sub-national regions and administrative levels for the purposes of regional comparisons. The aim of using NUTS is to ensure that regions of comparable size all appear at the same level, making it possible to compare policies from one country at a certain NUTS level with policies from another country at the same NUTS level.
You gotta love international cooperation!
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)
The NUTS is a single uniform breakdown of territorial units defined for EU Member States and Candidate Countries by EUROSTAT. It provides a classification or harmonization of measurement of sub-national regions and administrative levels for the purposes of regional comparisons. The aim of using NUTS is to ensure that regions of comparable size all appear at the same level, making it possible to compare policies from one country at a certain NUTS level with policies from another country at the same NUTS level.
You gotta love international cooperation!
At 9:39 am,
Anonymous said…
Funny! Doesn't matter how many long words you use: once you've decided your acronym is "NUTS," no one will see anything else. Maybe that's what my favorite New York street food is referring to: Nuts 4 NUTS. How international of it!
At 10:26 am,
~R said…
Bleck :)
(Blows lingering, eh? ChucKnuts.)
Internationally yours...
At 9:08 am,
World Traveler said…
Oh, that is priceless. Who was the ingenious diplomat that came up with that little acronym. Do you think they went to the Elliott School? Probably. :)
I must compose myself..
At 7:19 am,
~R said…
Actually, Paul Goble (remember him?) used to talk of the New Union Treaty (which would have kept some level of confederacy among some of the FSU countries) as being exactly what its acronym suggested--NUTs. :)
The only reason I remember the New Union Treaty, which I don't think is even officially called that. :)
Tingly and sizzle-y exciting, no? :)
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