The City That Never Sleeps
For a city that never sleeps, NYC sure does a good show of waking up at 4:30 in the morning.
Or its trucks do. Honestly, what is with coffee shops closing at 11pm???? Am I not desperate for coffee at any later time? Surely if I'm pulling an all-nighter at work, I deserve some caffeine in the wee hours of the morning? (I am petrified that if I go down at 5am, I still won't be able to buy a coffee...)
(Well, I'm more petrified that if I go down at 5am, I will distract myself from this report... which feels NO CLOSER TO BEING DONE than it did at this time yesterday afternoon. Oh well.)
So, anyone here ever pull all-nighters for work? If so, what's your most difficult hour/s?
Or its trucks do. Honestly, what is with coffee shops closing at 11pm???? Am I not desperate for coffee at any later time? Surely if I'm pulling an all-nighter at work, I deserve some caffeine in the wee hours of the morning? (I am petrified that if I go down at 5am, I still won't be able to buy a coffee...)
(Well, I'm more petrified that if I go down at 5am, I will distract myself from this report... which feels NO CLOSER TO BEING DONE than it did at this time yesterday afternoon. Oh well.)
So, anyone here ever pull all-nighters for work? If so, what's your most difficult hour/s?
At 11:17 am,
World Traveler said…
Dear God woman..get some rest.
Every entry seems more frantic than the last. :)
So I just must share this interesting theory about priorities that I was introduced to by a friend of mine who has been to seminary. He was saying that whatever your top priority is in life will effect all of the other priorities underneath. So, for instance a teenage girl might have a priority list that looks like this:
The problem with this structure is that according to the theory, if something goes wrong with the first priority, which is where you draw your main idea of identity, the rest of your life turns to crap. So, if the boyfriend cheats or acts like a jerk, you forget your homework, tlak back to your parents, etc...
If you are married, and your marriage is top priority, same thing can happen because marriage can change just like your boyfriend.
Of course, the theory hinges on God being top priority because He is eternal and never changes. Therefore, if you peg your identity as a Child of God, that is a constant that the rest of your priorities are on more stable ground and are easier to respond to.
Interesting huh??
Anyway thought you would like that.
Happy reporting...
At 2:06 pm,
~R said…
Yeah, this is my 20th day straight of work. Even the good Lord took a break, right? :) Hm. No wonder he got vengeful from time to time.
Hm. A question for our on-call theologian: Does He ever apologize? I think this may answer definitely the question of gender and deity... ;-)
As for the seminary guy's thoughts... Well, if his understanding of God doesn't change, then seemingly his sense of stability should be pretty safe. However, I don't feel certain that this works if one doesn't have that going for it.
Also, God seemingly changes his mind, if you look at the Jewish bible. I'm not sure about the Christian one. Also, he is described as exhibiting emotions, and fluctuating intentions. Also, one's goose can be cooked by the Deity, to use an expression inspired by another blog ;-)
I guess I ... I don't know.
What's the certainty? Can you explain?
Take care, luv, xxx ~ B :)
At 10:51 am,
World Traveler said…
For certainties --you are askiong the wrong person. I can hardly get my guilt-ridden butt to church every week never mind trying to unravel that is God. I don't think that God changes his mind. I think we perceive that because we are creatures that change our minds constantly. And I don't believe He makes mistakes either. That would defeat the purpose it would seem. Of course, I am not much of a Bible reader..being Catholic and all and I specifically don;t get the Old Testament (Jewish part). Jesus is a great deal easier to comprehend so I usually stick to trying to manage that piece of it.
I think the big breakthrough or the scary piece of it..if you the notion that God loves you...Loves me..however feckin' frightening is that? Really..that just makes the whole ball of wax real. Makes you so vulnerable and accountable that I can't handle it. Not only does he love you, accoring to the Reverend, but he loves you even though you are a homely piece of crap that doesn't go to Mass, has sinful thoughts, says shitty things, etc...(you in the general term my dear..please no offense). It is truly amazing grace. I still struggle with the thought. But at times it is a nice thought. Sorry I don't have more precise answers though. I am a generalist as we all know :)
At 1:56 pm,
Rob said…
I've occasionally been known to come home from work, break for a few hours for dinner, and then spend a few hours working on a proposal late at night. All-nighters though? No, not even with my salary.
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