
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Friday, August 10, 2007

The More Things Change... The More Things REALLY Change

So, there was a time when the following things would worry my beloved mom:

1. I'm moving apartments all alone, poor me, and I will doubtless be reckless and will throw out my back.
2. I have a cold and rather than taking care of myself will doubtless deteriorate to a dangerous level.
3. New York City is hot and I am heedlessly failing to buy A/C and am suffering needlessly.

THESE days, things are different. After all, I am an ocean away an in the remote Caucasus country of Georgia. And a Russian missile has just been dropped in a village nearby my hometown here. Meaning within 10 miles. Now, the missile isn't live. It didn't detonate.

I hurriedly send e-mails home entitled "I AM FINE!!!"

And... *shrug* It seems that's enough! :) My mom, who fretted over my being hot in a New York summer, isn't really disturbed by such trivialities as Russian missiles!

:) I love it.

And... in case you are reading this and are needlessly worrying... Er. Don't. :) My mom's approach is the right one :)

PC Georgia has REALLY been taking care of everything incredibly well. I'm VERY impressed by them. Incredible outfit.

I'm an American in Georgia

So, the evening of the day when PC informed us that we were on "Standfast Alert" due to the Russian missile incident, my host mom and I were hanging out in the kitchen. And we hear a loud rumble and the ground shakes ever so slightly. My host mom looks out the window, feeling it is a military exercise. I feel it cannot be. (What was I thinking!) It's clearly thunder, I assure her.

Despite the fact that it is clearly not raining, and there is no lightening either. And in fact it's scorchingly hot. As it has been for a while.

And then a text message goes out from PC. Indeed, it's a military exercise and we are not to worry :)

A Georgian military excercise.

No worries at all.

~ This blog updated after being cajoled into it by Paul :)


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