"That's What's Great About Georgia!"
Yesterday evening as I sat near the petchi (stove that burns wood to heat a room), and waited as a bucket of water was heated to wash my hair for the first time since January 2, my dear host mom asked me "What happens in America when there is no heat, no running water, and no gas?"
I smiled. I answered that I wasn't sure since it rarely happened.
She looked over at me and smiled knowingly, "That's what's great about Georgia--everything happens here!"
I loved it. Everything does.
I smiled. I answered that I wasn't sure since it rarely happened.
She looked over at me and smiled knowingly, "That's what's great about Georgia--everything happens here!"
I loved it. Everything does.
At 7:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
One blog post every six months. Yup. Seems about right.
Oh Jeez, here we go... "I'm in a third-world country! We have no clean water! It's cold! My hands are too frost-bitten to blog!!"
Please. Tell it to the judge, sister. Discerning blog readers demand more. Now start blogging!!
See, this is exactly why I fired you from JOI in the first place.
At 8:01 am,
~R said…
Hahaha! Yes, I remember it now, clear as the water I washed my hair in...
By the by, did I mention, it was so cold at home two nights ago, the few jars of water we had stored in the kitchen by the petchi were partly frozen. IN THE KITCHEN, I tell you!
By the by, I'm so flattered you checked my blog! I promise to write more often than I did at JOI, now that I know I have a loyal audience.
Or shall I say a captive one, captivated by either boredom or work-induced hysteria. Either way, my gain. ;-)
At 9:40 am,
ayla p. said…
Hi Ruth!
It was such a pleasure to wake up and find your comment on my blog this morning. I'm thrilled that a) someone is able to get some useful information out of it and b) that you contacted me. I'd be happy to discuss travels in Turkey with you!
I have so much more to update on that blog--I was there on a Fulbright Grant last year and I did so much that I just didn't have time to update the blog in real time while I was there. Then, of course, I return to the States and time flies out the window. But, I'm hoping to get back to it asap.
Turkey is a lovely place and I miss it so much. I can't wait to go back; luckily I have family there, so that gives me a good reason to go.
I'd love to hear more about Georgia. I have a friend who was teaching English in Ukraine, and he took a trip to Georgia and just loved it. I also met a couple on a trip to Croatia who had just come from Georgia, and they also loved it. I considered Peace Corps for awhile but ended up not applying--perhaps in the future. I'm sure it's been an incredible experience.
Well, this is a bit long, so I'll quit it here. But, as I said, I'd love to talk more! Let me know if you have any particular questions and I'll see if I can help!
At 9:42 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 9:42 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 9:45 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 9:49 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 9:52 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 9:52 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 10:08 am,
ayla p. said…
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At 10:12 am,
ayla p. said…
ps. sorry about all the adds and deletes--blogger was acting up.
At 6:35 am,
Cornflake Girl said…
Hi Ruth! I have returned to the fold, after 19 or so months! I see you have not had much opportunity to post to your blog, and I am so very happy that you are safe and sound after that debacle. Are you enjoying Armenia? :)
Take care, and return to blogging! :) Kasia x
At 8:34 am,
~ R said…
I can't get into my own blog anymore because I've lost my blogger identity!!!!
This frantic scramble for my identity reminds me strangely of a time I was in a public bathroom and was asked by an unknown lady in the neighboring toilet stall, "Is that you?"
I felt very existentially prodded with that one, and answered with a loopy: "Yes, but I don't think I'm the me you're looking for."
Anyway. Still searching for myself, and when (OPTIMIST TILL THE END!) I find myself I shall blog on. :)
At 8:35 am,
~ R said…
Am now confused. Am I me? It seems to accept me. Or does it? God what tribulation!!!!
I suffer in silence.
At 8:38 pm,
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