
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Current News

Hot off the press...

Salmon Gone Wild, or Is It Just Sold That Way?By MARIAN BURROS April 10, 2005

The crux of this tale is that an investigative report by the New York Times revealed that food merchants are big fat liars. Or, as the article puts it: "Tests performed for The New York Times in March on salmon sold as wild by eight New York City stores, at an average price of $19 a pound, showed that the fish at six of the eight were farm raised."

For context, remember that "In the last two years two scientific studies have reported that farmed fish contain more PCB's and other contaminants than wild fish, and numerous studies have called farming practices an environmental hazard."

Now, if it weren't enough that the grocery stores involved were revealed to be liars, get this genius excuse ... "At M. Slavin & Sons in Brooklyn, the store manager, Phil Cohen, said: "Our salmon is from Canada. All wild salmon in Canada is farm raised." The reporter notes that: "A whole salmon sold to this reporter as wild from Slavin's in the Fulton Fish Market was pulled from a box marked 'farmed Canada.' "

Bah! It's a good thing I've already accepted my slow death by salmon.

And now I must continue to swim upstream here at work....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The City That Never Sleeps

For a city that never sleeps, NYC sure does a good show of waking up at 4:30 in the morning.

Or its trucks do. Honestly, what is with coffee shops closing at 11pm???? Am I not desperate for coffee at any later time? Surely if I'm pulling an all-nighter at work, I deserve some caffeine in the wee hours of the morning? (I am petrified that if I go down at 5am, I still won't be able to buy a coffee...)

(Well, I'm more petrified that if I go down at 5am, I will distract myself from this report... which feels NO CLOSER TO BEING DONE than it did at this time yesterday afternoon. Oh well.)

So, anyone here ever pull all-nighters for work? If so, what's your most difficult hour/s?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones. - John Peel

Cultivating My Garden...

My deadline at work is looming, and so I'm here over the weekend, trying to transverse all of the required territory before Monday dawns.

It's 7:15pm on Saturday, and I have 8 cups on my desk. Four are near me. Two have coffee (one originally cold, one originally hot; both currently cool), one has water, and the other m&ms.

I lean across my desk to water my bamboo plant. I water said plant with m&ms.

Back to work...