
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ~ Mark Twain

Monday, October 31, 2005

Notes from Underground

What's that? I've not updated in a while? What, you think I have a life??? (What fools are these, that read my blog? ;-) )

Can One Live in the Most Happenin' City in the State of New York and Still Not Have a Clue? (our intrepid reporter finds out)

I leave work on Friday, happily traipsing into the elevator. On the 4th floor this guy gets on that looks rather odd to me. I look at him surreptitiously. I say nothing for a floor or two. And then I ask him: “Excuse me. Are you aware you are in your pajamas and bathrobe?” He tells me there’s an office party. I say nothing, being inexperienced in the ways of office pajama parties. I get on the subway. There’s a woman dressed up as a bee. I think: “Well, this is New York. People can dress up as bees if they want to.” On Church Avenue a woman walks by wearing a tiara. I think: “Well, this is New York. Fashion is a very personalized, individual thing. America is good that way.” And finally, walking down my street, I see ghosts around a person’s home. “Shite!” I think, freaked out for a moment. And then I realize it’s Halloween. All seems to fall into place. Although…it is New York. And so it didn’t seem too unusual before anyway.